April 04, 2015

happy easter

Wishing you all a wonderful Easter and relaxing long weekend.

And, if you are short on time but fancy a delicious, unctuous, throw it all in a bowl and bung in the oven sort of celebration cake, this is a lovely one full of zesty lemon, blueberries (and some yoghurt that lends it a light, velvety texture). 

It couldn't be easier, and would probably be tasty with raspberries instead of blueberries. The recipe is HERE.


  1. Gawd this looks good Belinda. I ADORE the cowslips you've popped on top. So perfectly Eastery. I'm revelling in every single primrose and grape hyacinth just now

    1. Every flower matters until the end of April doesn't it, and then in May it all erupts and we can't hope to notice it all! I do love a sunny spring. x

  2. Looks lovely, especially with the cowslips. And I love the word unctuous! Hope you had a very happy Easter.

    1. Thanks - it was lovely, hope yours was too. :)
