September 18, 2012

september inspirations

September in the country lanes and field margins of England.

The slanting sunlight, the fiery evening skies, the stubble in the fields and the rash of red berries in the hedgerows - I love them all.

There is something about the swaying ranks of seed heads and airy branching grasses and seed pods that makes me want to rush to my sketch book and work bench, and explore the shapes and textures in silver. So this time of year, I am totally in my element, and find it the most creative moment of the year.

I'm not quite sure where all this inspiration will take my designs, but here is what I was playing with today, unfinished but formulating slowly.

The following two sunday afternoons I will be showing my jewellery at a studio in Hitchin as part of Herts Open Studios -(at 3 Brook View) - do pop in if you are nearby!


  1. I love coming to your blog to look at the beautiful photos.

  2. What a treat for the morning! A whole post chock-full of your wonderful sky photos, thank you : )
    I have pinned my favourite, do let me know if you'd rather I didn't.
    I'm not far from Hitchen and I am free in two Sunday's time ... I can feel a plan formulating!

    1. yay, come and see me between 1-5pm, parking easiest in Nine Springs Way. Would be lovely to meet you.

      and, pin away!

  3. What beautiful photos. I love how you have captured autumn in your words. Im glad to have found your space!

    1. Thanks so much for visiting and leaving such a kind comment, come again soon!:)

  4. Beautiful photographs Belinda. Wish you lots of fun in Hitchin the coming Sundays. Wish I could come over to say hello!

    Madelief x

    1. I really wish you could, it would be so fun to meet one day. I really want to visit holland, so a coffee in a canal side cafe one day would be lovely!:)

  5. would definitely pop by if I was closer... And again what a wonderful collection of photographs x

    1. Thanks Sarah! There is a fun sounding bloggers tea in London next month (scroll couple of posts back) - come along?x

  6. Stunning sky and cloud photos. I have lost my creative mojo at the moment- I need some inspiration to kick start it. Perhaps I need to stare upwards a bit more! Love the ring, Ax

    1. Thanks A, ring is a work in progress, the big bobble will probably be a setting for a sparkley stone! I know that mojo feeling, it ebbs and flows doesn't it?x

  7. Love the grass and Queen Anne's Lace.

    1. Thanks, they have lovely silhouettes don't they?

  8. When i finally get around to running away, it will be to your house!

    1. Webb, the kettle is ALWAYS on for you. I am waiting!x

  9. Hi Belinda,
    I have really enjoyed looking through your past posts.
    Your photos are wonderful.
    Thank you for stopping by my blog, it's so lovely to 'meet' you!
    Hope you have a lovely week.

  10. Ps: I've signed up to the Bloggers Tea party too.
    Look forward to seeing you there.

  11. STUNNING photos and a wonderful seasonal post Belinda.....what camera do you use as a matter of interest? I love the designs that were inspired by your walk in the country too....

  12. Your photos are beautiful and that ring is just so lovely! Looking forward to meeting you at the blogger's tea on Tuesday! Becky x
