January 03, 2017

manna {12} horizons

Happy New year! I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and holiday time, my online time was kept to a minimum with all my family home, but it is good to be back in this tiny corner of the internet!

So new year, new horizons rising into view. This time of year, possibility stretches out invitingly doesn't it, a wide stretch of blue to arc across, full of potential and hope. With so much talk of new starts, resolutions and goal setting, I can get a bit rabbit-in-headlights, the hope tinged with worries of failure or disappointment lurking in all the shiny new promises and intentions? Relate?

This year feels different though. For the first time really, I am suddenly more interested in the learning, growing and connecting that the fresh new year offers. It feels gentler and kinder. There are things I would love to see happen, goals it would be great to achieve, but maybe I am finally old and wise enough to know there is likely to be both joy and pain, light and dark in the next twelve months, but through all of that there is so much grace and connection possible, so many opportunities to learn new things and have fun along the way - that potential really excites me. So, if you feel a little bit overwhelmed by resolution-itis, lets not intimidate ourselves by overly tyrannical resolution making and goal setting, and see what growth, connection and learning we can explore and enjoy along the way? I'm in for that!

1 comment:

  1. Amazing photographs and I can so relate to the sentiments in your post. I really enjoy your writing, it has a thoughtful reflective feel. Lets not set ourselves up to be disappointed by what we don't achieve but rather enjoy the opportunity the New Year brings to think and reflect on the new ways ahead.
