January 21, 2016

the year in books

Last year I joined in some months with The Year in Books project run by Laura over at Circle of Pines Trees blog, I hope this year to really make the time to read a book each month, can't be beyond achievable, right?! When time allows, I am planning to take a mid morning or afternoon break from work and have half an hour to cosy up by the fire with a mug of coffee or tea and make a little ritual of it. Today is freeeeeezzzing, so I am really enjoying the hygge of the moment!

For january I am reading The Lost Carving, a journey into making, by David Esterly. To be absolutely honest it is a re-read because I read it at break neck speed in the busy-ness of last month, in slightly distracted chunks, knowing it was absolutely full of treasure and that I was not giving it the attention and slow enjoyment it deserved. So, this month it is a gently paced re-read, really savouring the beautiful writing and insights into the processes and emotions of  hand making. If you want to see what Laura and others are reading, head on over to her lovely blog.

ps  the linen napkin above is by Helen of Windram Design, take a peek, her stuff is gorgeous! 

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