November 23, 2015

Holmfirth Art Market, doing fairs and having fun

I came back late last night from a weekend in Holmfirth, west Yorkshire. Yesterday, I was showing my work at the lovely Holmfirth Art Market, but went up a day early with my jewellery making friend, Liz Willis, who was also selling her jewellery there.

We had a brilliant afternoon on Saturday exploring the area, making it up onto the moors just as the sun was beginning to set. It was cold, but so very beautiful and it felt wonderful filling our lungs with fresh moorland air and taking in the glorious sight of the big skies filling with pink light which spilled over the swathes of bracken and frosty hills. Just perfect.

We passed some cattle having their tea and decided it was time to head towards the twinkling lights of Holmfirth to have our own!

The Art Market took place on Sunday and was a fun, friendly event - bustling and busy and full of interesting and beautifully made contemporary craft. The quality of work being shown was really high and there was a good mixture of different mediums, I just wish I had had more time to look around and meet the other makers. Liz's silver and silk jewellery looked beautiful on her grey and white plinths and I was trialling a new display set up which still needs a few tweaks but worked pretty well. I was pleased with my new black bench-tables and lovely wooden ring cones.

Showing your work at fairs can be quite stressful - there is a mountain of preparation, expense, planning, travel and the plain fact you are sharing your creations in a face-to-face way, uncertain of how they will be received. What I have discovered again this weekend is that it is so much more fun to do them with a friend, especially one who has energy, humour and kindness in such great reserves as Liz (or indeed my equally fabulous friend Anna Faine who I do some events with) - thanks Liz! :)

1 comment:

  1. It is hard to do craft fairs. I always had a difficult time pricing my items and was told I priced low. I used to make needlepoint Christmas stocking which I designed myself and would sell for $20-25 each. I also would make needlepoint ornaments and petit point ones as well. The ornaments I sold for $3-5 each. I am hoping this new year to try selling my photographs. Wish me luck.
