August 10, 2015

This week's pickings from the cutting patch

I'm loving greys and pinks at the moment. Here there is a mixture of japanese anemone,  artemesia, echinacea, annual scabious and poppy seedheads. The pincushion flowers, (much nicer than the official 'scabious' name!), have long been a favourite because they are gorgeous enough to swoon over from bud to full flower whilst being fantastically prolific and long stemmed. Artemesias have been a real discovery this year - there are many forms that provide the most elegant silvery foliage for the whole growing season.

I realise I have been rather scant with the flower news and photos this summer, so whilst there are still pretty flowers in the garden, I will try and post a weekly photo of what I am picking and loving most. I don't sell many now, the jewellery has become my full time business, but I am still growing a garden full of loveliness for my own enjoyment, still with an emphasis on plants that look fabulous in the garden and the vase with the least amount of faffage. If you live locally and would like to buy a bunch now and again I am still very happy to provide for that.

I'd love to know what you are growing and picking in your garden whether for the vase or the plate?


  1. I love the pink and grey combination. Grey plants don't like my north facing garden in winter so they tend to die. I am trying Scabious 'Snow Maiden this year, it is almost in flower. I'm looking forward to the Asters next month.


  2. I've just planted a pink and grey bed. No picking yet.

  3. I seem to have a shortage of flowers at the moment, I'm currently waiting for my dahlias to flower. They have tanalisingly large buds which are taking forever to open. But I am managing to pick some strawberries, blueberries, carrots and spring onions. I'm definitely putting scabious on my "growing list" for next year.

  4. Beautiful! The pinks look wonderful with the grey foliage. I much prefer having garden flowers in the house - at the moment I have a jug full of marguerites (a bit pongy!), hydrangea heads, roses, pincushions and lemon balm. It's brightening up our dining room mantelpiece!

  5. Those are beautiful flowers! I am still watching my gardens grow and things being added, paths made, etc. I have a friend who is a landscaper and she is doing all of the work.
